Dia Mirza campaigns for protection of snow leopards

latestnews1947:  Bollywood actress and ardent animal lover Dia Mirza will attend the International Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Forum (Summit 2017) to campaign for the protection of snow leopards.

"12 countries are meeting in Kyrgyzstan to protect the snow leopard and their habitats! Proud to be a part Snow Leopard Forum 2017," Dia posted.

The actress, brand ambassador for the Wildlife Trust of India, had earlier adopted two cheetah cubs at the Prince of Wales zoological park in Lucknow. She has been felicitated at award functions for her active involvement in social and environmental issues.
Dia Mirza campaigns for protection of snow leopards

The International Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Forum (Summit 2017) began on Wednesday.

According to the event's official page, it brings together heads and representatives of the governments of the twelve snow leopard range countries as well as of other interested nations with leaders from international institutions, donor agencies, conservation organisations, and scientific institutions.

The effort is towards protecting the snow leopard, and to galvanize international support for their ambitious plan of securing 20 snow leopard landscapes by the year 2020.


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